Real Property Management of Greater Gwinnett

Winter Holiday Season- Your Quick Guide!

It is the Winter Holiday season in Gwinnett! Are you prepared? From Thanksgiving to Christmas, to New Year, this time of the year is full of family, gatherings, and lots and lots of food! From hosting seasonal parties to cooking yummy snacks and meals, our quick guide will be the go-to for all your upcoming Winter Holiday celebrations! These few tips will assist you in the festivities of the season, to ensure everything runs smoothly!

In the Kitchen

If you are hosting any holiday parties this year, chances are the kitchen is going to be the busiest room in your home! These few Winter Holiday celebration tips for the kitchen will keep it clean, and clutter-free, and will keep you set up for success!

Prepare Dishes Beforehand

To help keep things calm in the kitchen, be sure to prepare the dishes you are going to cook ahead of time. Throwing food together at the last minute can be stressful, especially with everything else going on around you! By preparing everything ahead of time, all that needs to be done is pop the dishes in the oven, instead of scrambling around everyone at the last second! Another tip is to create a list of exactly what needs to be prepared, and when. Include brief ingredients, cook times, and any special notes, so you don’t forget anything!

Clean As You Go

As typical as this one sounds, it can make a world of a difference! By simply getting rid of the dirty dishes and trash as you go, the clutter and clean-up will be drastically lowered during your holiday celebration! If you are limited on space in your kitchen, this tip is especially helpful! Also, placing a large, obvious trash can where your guests can see might help them throw their trash away as well, so you are not stuck cleaning up after everyone once the night ends!

Share The Load

Instead of stressing by trying to prepare everything yourself, ask your guests to bring along something with them. Whether it is a dessert, side dish, or drink, anything helps! Another option is to go for a Pot-Luck theme, so all responsibility is shared between everyone!

In the Living Room

If the guests are not in the kitchen, chances are they are in the living room, so be sure your space is prepared for your visitors! There are endless ways and ideas to create the perfect hosting spot for your Winter Holiday Parties!

Make Space

If your living space is not equipped to host large parties, make sure you rearrange some things to make your guests comfortable. Seating can be one of the biggest obstacles in a small space, but in a pinch, even a 5-gallon bucket can offer a standing guest a seat to relax on. Think creatively if needed, and do not hesitate to buy, borrow, or rent a few folding chairs or other easy-to-store seating options for the event!

Kids’ Corner

If you are hosting your Winter Holiday celebration and there are kids involved, be sure to include something for them! Whether it is a small holiday craft or some toys, anything that can keep them entertained will be a huge help! By designating an area for them, the kids will be occupied and not get into things they shouldn’t, with all the excitement going on around them!

We hope these few quick tips assist you in having flawless Winter Holiday celebrations! Whether you are hosting, or a guest, be sure to prepare for the season! Be mindful if you are not in your own home, and treat it with respect!

If you are looking to purchase a rental property in the Gwinnett area and need some professional management assistance, contact us today and we will be glad to guide you through the process!

From your Local Real Property Management, we hope you have a safe and fun Winter Holiday season!