Real Property Management of Greater Gwinnett

Eco-Friendly Living in Gwinnett: 5 Ways to Embrace It!

Whether you are deciding to become eco-friendly for the environment, or for the personal benefit of saving a couple of bucks every month, it is a great lifestyle choice that everyone can be a part of. By living an eco-friendly day-to-day life, you are helping preserve the environment and our surroundings. If you change just one thing a day, you can do your part. Keep reading to focus on a few easy adjustments you can make to become eco-friendly. It is not complicated to adjust to an eco-friendly lifestyle and with these tips and changes. Live a green life in Gwinnett County with no hassle!


Recycling has been the staple of staying eco-friendly for ages. This single-handedly reduces the amount of waste being sent to landfills. It is also something small that everyone can do every day. Check with your garbage company as they might have a free pick-up for recyclables. Some companies also supply large bins for your convenience. Start helping the environment by recycling your plastic, glass, aluminum, cardboard, and paper. Another small step to becoming eco-friendly is reusing items you usually throw away. For example, your grocery bags. Try investing in reusable bags that you can store in your car for easy use. Or, after using plastic grocery bags, store them and use them for your next visit instead of using new ones.

Going Paperless

Going paperless has many benefits, and they don’t just pertain to the environment. If you think about it, how much time do you take out of some days just to go mail a check? By converting to paperless bills, you can pay your rent to your landlord from the comfort of your own couch, instead of making the long haul to the post office. If you convert to paperless payments, you are helping reduce CO2 emissions in the air. Trees soak in CO2 like sponges, and the less number of trees, the more CO2 in the air. Also by going paperless, it will be easier to track your payments and bills since it will all be online, and you don’t need 100 papers in hand.

Start a Garden

With the warmer weather coming around, there is no better time to start a garden than right now! Growing your own garden helps you be more self-sustainable, and less reliant on grocery stores for vegetables, spices, and fruits. Starting your own garden is very rewarding as more wildlife come to your garden. Gardens are eco-friendly and some cities near you in Gwinnett may have a community garden that residents in the area can join. Plant your harvestable’s and watch them grow and become part of your dinner!

Energy-Efficient in Your Home

Keeping your home energy efficient is an important step in staying eco-friendly. There are many reasons why you should keep your home energy-efficient, and they are not just for the environment. Start by replacing your lightbulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs. These lights have much less wattage, but still give off the brightness of a 60-watt bulb, while using ½ the power. Also, it is crucial to regularly change your HVAC Filter twice a year. Doing so prevents harsh allergens and pollutants from floating around in your homes air supply. Changing the filter allows the system to not work as hard, which lowers your electric bill. Also, try to unplug plugs when they are not in use. This causes phantom power, which is power being used but not utilized. Many household items like your phone charger, toaster, and televisions are using energy even when they are not being used and it is important to be aware of what is racking up your electricity bill every month.

Shop Local

You’re probably wondering; how does shopping local help the environment? It’s not as straight forward as you think. The main benefit is that local and smaller businesses have a smaller carbon footprint on the environment. Chances are, this local business does not have a big factory emitting pollutants into the atmosphere. Also, shopping local supports our neighbors in Gwinnett County! Look for farmer’s markets and smaller shops around Gwinnett. Local businesses will be thankful you are choosing their product that they have worked hard to produce.

It is not difficult to adjust to an eco-friendly lifestyle. By changing a few lightbulbs, recycling, and planting a few vegetables you can be halfway to living green and saving our enviroment!

If you are looking to move into Gwinnett County, contact us today and we will help you find the perfect rental home! If you own a home and would like to rent it out in Gwinnett County, reach out to us and we will be glad to assist you in the process!