Halloween season is officially here! Are you prepared? If you are like most, you have waited until the last minute to bring out the decorations! Don’t fret, we have put together a list of easy DIY Halloween decorations that will have your home looking as spooky as can be! None of these ideas will break the bank, and they are all rental-friendly! In no time your home will be ready for all the little ghouls and goblins that will be coming to your door!
Outside your Home
Snake Wreath
This creepy wreath will be sure to catch some glances this Halloween! All you need is a plain wreath, a few rubber toy snakes, and some black spray paint. Spray paint the snakes and wreath, stick them on with some hot glue, and you have yourself an easy DIY Halloween decoration!
Stacked Pumpkins
If you have a couple of extra urn planters, grab some faux pumpkins, stack
them up, add some paint or other small accents, and you have a creepy pumpkin stack! These are perfect for the entire Fall season also! If you want to switch it up, collect old paper towel rolls and grab a pair of funky tights and some shoes and you can make an easy DIY Halloween witch!
Spooky Door
If the amount of space you have to decorate is limited, a spooky door will be the perfect addition to your décor! All you need is some scrap cardboard, some creepy webs, and gravestones and your home will be a ghoulish graveyard in no time! Who would enter if they dare??
Inside Your Home
Wall Spider
What better way to decorate your home for Halloween than to have a massive spider hanging from your ceiling? All you need is a couple of black balloons, black crepe paper, tape, and a face for your creepy spider pal! Inflate the balloons to the size of your choice to create your own spider pet! Add the legs draping from the ceiling or walls, and you will have a new Halloween roommate!
Pumpkin Candy Holder
All you need for this easy DIY Halloween decoration is an old picture frame or chalkboard and a faux pumpkin! Cut the pumpkin in half and glue it to the old picture frame for a creepy wall candy holder! You can also use an old mirror for a more eerie look! Grab some paint and paint on a face for a more customized spook!
Glass Mummies and Potions
If you have extra glass bottles or jars, look no further! With just a little DIY, you can turn all your old glasses into creepy creations! Transform some gauze and googly eyes into an illuminating mummy! Or make some deadly potion bottles that make for a disturbing table centerpiece. The possibilities are endless for the uses of old glass bottles!
Mini Halloween World
Time to get creative! Head to your nearest dollar store and pick up small knick-knacks, a large pot or shelf, and whatever else you want in your mini Halloween scape! Set a spooky scene to be displayed proudly in your home! Add some skeletons, pumpkins, and let your creativity guide you!
Pumpkin Carving Ideas
The same pumpkin carving ideas can get boring, it is time to switch it up!
Jail Bones
Grab a semi-large pumpkin and some mini skeletons for this jailbreak design!
Cookie Cutter
If gutting and cutting pumpkins isn’t for you, grab some funky cookie cutter shapes and go to town for a fun abstract design!
Gnome Home
If the spooky pumpkin look isn’t what you want, go for this more classic and cute easy DIY Halloween pumpkin idea!
We hope this list gave you a couple of ideas for your last-minute Halloween decorating ideas! Make sure to check on Pinterest and other websites to see more ideas and easy DIY Halloween decorations! With this list, your home should be the spookiest house in Gwinnett!
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