Real Property Management of Greater Gwinnett

Spring Cleaning in Lilburn: The Three Step Process

Spring cleaning is a phrase that no one wants to hear. With the Lilburn weather getting warmer the last thing anyone wants to do is stay inside and clean their house all day. However, Spring cleaning has tremendous benefits to yourself and your home. When you start your Spring cleaning, there are three steps: clean first, organize second and purge third. Sounds easy right? The hardest part is finding the motivation to start! It is more important now than ever to keep your home clean and fresh. Remember; nothing feels better than a clean home! By cleaning and organizing your home, you maximize your space and eliminate all potential allergens and dust that currently linger in your home. All it takes is a deep clean, some organizing, and a good purge to achieve that fresh Spring Clean!

Clean Your Home

Going through and cleaning out your things is definitely the biggest obstacle in this project. In order to accomplish that deep clean, you need to go in every corner and crevice. Start with one room at a time; it is easy to get overwhelmed. Try by starting on the rooms that are the least used- then move to the larger, most commonly used rooms. This makes it easier by getting the small cleaning out of the way. When you are cleaning, make sure you dust any high ceiling ledges, and the areas and behind all TVs and couches. These places are prime spots for dust, pollen, dander, and allergens to fester. During this time, make sure you replace your HVAC filter. Dusting does no help if you don’t have a clean air filter to pump out the bad air!

Organize Your Belongings

Once all of the cleaning is finished, it is time to organize! It is helpful if you make groups of three boxes- boxes to keep, boxes for trash, and boxes to donate or sell. This step is important!! It lets you visualize what is going where and the boxes can help you distinguish if you need to purge more, or if you can keep more. When organizing, try to utilize furniture with hidden storage. For example, an ottoman to hold all of your living room blankets, or a side table to hold your movies, or remotes. Under the bed is another good spot to tuck off-season clothes for the upcoming months. Look into vacuum-sealed storage bags to consolidate big stacks of clothes into paper-thin sheets. Lastly, think smart! You can use command hooks to hang pot lids on the inside of your cabinets for easily accessible storage.


The final step in your Spring Cleaning is to purge! All of the hard work is finished and now you just need to sit back and watch all your stuff disappear! Try hosting a garage sale to attract local shoppers in your area. Or, post some of your things online on selling websites and if you are lucky, you’ll get some bites! Sites like OfferUp and Facebook Marketplace are excellent sites to sell your old belongings for a couple of bucks. If you don’t want to go through the hassle, load your boxes in your car and head to your nearest Goodwill or Salvation Army drop-off center in Snellville or Duluth. Companies like these are always happy to take things off your hands for no charge.

Spring Cleaning is definitely an event that could take a while, but the reward of sitting in your clean home is unmatchable! Make sure you take your time to prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed. Remember, deep cleaning is only recommended a few times a year, so make sure to clean thoroughly!

If you are looking to move into Gwinnett County this Spring, contact us today and we will be glad to assist you in finding your perfect rental!